Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Love Story

Have you ever wondered how different today would be if something hadn’t happened yesterday,  or the day before or a year ago or 10 years ago?  I do.  But, every now and then, I KNOW how a day would be different.  For example, I know as sure as I know my own name that if my mom hadn’t passed away in 2001, that today would be a very different day than the one I’m going to have.  Let me explain. . .

(By the way, I’m telling this story, so I’m telling it like I’ve always heard it.  This may not be the truth, it’s just what I’ve heard! So, if you know different, so sorry. It’s my blog and I’ll tell it like I want to!)


So, sometime is April or May, 1961  Betty and Bobby BOTH went to Belle Glade High School’s prom.  However, they DID not go together.  Betty’s daddy took her – she was a senior.  Bobby had graduated from Pahokee High School a few years earlier and he was someone's date (named Sylvia,  Bobby was quite the “player” and I’ve found several prom pictures of him and several young ladies.) He was apparently a good catch – he had his own car, had a job making decent money and the job provided a house and a work truck! What more could a girl want in 1961??? 

There was some hanky-panky going on, as before Bobby went to the prom with his date, he came to Betty’s house. 

mom and daddy 2


Some sources say their first date was actually in February – they rode around with some friends in the car.  I’ve heard it this way: the tradition in Belle Glade was the day after the prom, everyone went to the beach.  Sylvia kept hinting that she wanted to go to the beach. Bobby kept saying he had to work. But, as the sun came up, there they were, Bobby and Betty on the way to the beach. 

Mom and daddy

In August they were married.

The next June, they had a baby girl.  A few February’s later, another baby girl.  Several October’s later, yours truly.   

Almost 40 years later, they are together, at the beach and Betty has a heart attack.  One of their first dates, at the beach. Their last date, at the beach. 





Now, here’s how I know today would be different.  Today, would be my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary.  If things were different, we’d be having a BIG party.  Mom was most happy surrounded by lots of people. for their 25th anniversary,  we  had a party for them.  Mom made dresses for all three of us, and one for herself.  Everybody came – it was a big deal. My nephew Ken was a baby, rolling around in a walker.  I was still in high school!! I don’t know how we managed to do it!   I can only imagine what kind of stuff we’d have to do for this one!! The fact that today is a Saturday would have made it much easier for everyone, but we’d be running around like crazy this morning, getting everything ready. 

Not many people I know  had parents who were still  married to each other and only to each other.  In a high school class once, I was the only one.  I am very blessed to have parents who loved each other, truly, until “death did they part.” 

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